Whoopie Pies [Resippy]

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recipe:whoopie_pies [2022/02/22 15:51]
recipe:whoopie_pies [2022/02/22 16:14] (current)
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 They are ok, freshly made, but there'​s some magic that happens in a day or so, the filling stiffens and the cookies soften and it's very special. When I am old and demented, feed these to me. [mike] They are ok, freshly made, but there'​s some magic that happens in a day or so, the filling stiffens and the cookies soften and it's very special. When I am old and demented, feed these to me. [mike]
 +Note: I always struggle with these. ​ My cookies are usually fine. Today the cookie dough was like cookie dough and it's supposed to be closer to the consistency of very stiff cake batter - you should need one spoon to scoop it and one to swipe it off onto the baking sheet. Next time I'll add a little milk if it's that stiff - otherwise the cookies are a bit stiffer and the filling squeezes out when you bite down. And, I always, always struggle with the filling, it needs to be really thick so you can pile it between the cookies and not have it run out. You can make it stiffer by adding more confectioner'​s sugar until it's right, ut then you have too much. Next time I might just use 1.5 egg whites.
 +Also note, the filling comes out yellow and has flavor and texture from the margarine. So often, even in Maine, you find store bought ones with white filling that tastes like sugar or worse, marshmallow fluff - fakes, poor substitutes made by charlatans.
 ===== Ingredients ===== ===== Ingredients =====
recipe/whoopie_pies.1645573864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/22 15:51 by mike